E-SIGN Consent Agreement - Tenneson Orchards, Inc.

This E-SIGN Consent Agreement (“Agreement”) allows us to provide you with electronic versions of important documents associated with your employment. We are required by law to give you certain information “in writing” – which means you are entitled to receive it on paper. We may provide this information to you electronically, instead, with your prior consent. We also need your general consent to use electronic records and signatures in our relationship with you. 


The words “we,” “our,” and “us” mean Ganaz, Inc. on behalf of your employer, Tenneson Orchards, Inc.

The words “you” and “your” mean the employee. 

“Access Device” means any electronic device you use to view electronic documents. This includes, but is not limited to a mobile device such as a smartphone.

Electronic Delivery of Documents: Electronic documents will be delivered to you within the hiring process in a .pdf document. You are strongly encouraged to save or print the documentation for future reference. 

Your option to receive paper copies: If we provide Electronic Records to you, and you want a paper copy, you may request it by mail to Tenneson Orchards, Inc. Human Resources: 2425 Steele Rd The Dalles, OR 97058

System Requirements: By consenting to this agreement, you confirm that your Access Device meets the minimum specifications and requirements necessary to view and retain your electronic documents. 

To access your electronic documents on a mobile device, you will need a mobile device with Android or iOS (iPhone) operating systems and access to the internet.

Maintaining your phone number updated: It is important that you notify your employer of any changes to your phone number so we can send you documents and notices. 

Withdrawal of Your Consent: You may withdraw your consent to this Agreement at any time. To withdraw your consent prior to completing your application, simply tell your HR representative. To withdraw your consent after you have already completed the hiring process, you must send a letter to [company mailing address] and you will no longer receive the electronic documents. 

By providing your consent, you are also confirming that you have the system requirements described above and that you are able to receive and review electronic records.